Intergenerational West Virginia Mission Trip (join us and volunteers from several other partner churches this summer--August 1-6!)
Winter Relief (we partner with Cape St. Claire UMC to host guests experiencing homelessness every year--our next hosting week is January 2-9, 2017!)
My Brother's Pantry (join with us in packing and delivering on Saturday mornings May 14 and 21!)
And there are so many more--our Thanksgiving service project and Easter Sunrise partnerships with other churches in the Broadneck Ministerium, our Good Friday Journey with Jesus with Asbury-Arnold UMC, Backpack Buddies with Cape UMC, partnering to host AA groups in our church building, the list goes on. And these are just official partnerships--think of all the more informal ways we partner with others to do God's work!
But I hope this week as you read the stories of partnership and the chapter from We Make the Road by Walking, you'll keep reflecting on the questions issued at the end of Sunday's sermon:
What new partnerships might need to rise up in our future?
Who might be wanting to come alongside of us to do something transformative?
Who might be waiting for us to come alongside of them?
What unlikely people or groups could be our partners as we continue to live out the great commission Jesus has given us?
I'd love to hear your thoughts--leave them in the comments section below!