Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Peace: A Study, A Song, A Snapshot

As we continue in this second week of Advent, I offer you three tools for reflection this week.

The first is the word study video we watched together from The Bible Project on Sunday:

The second second is a beautiful Christmas song from The Indigo Girls, “Peace Child”. Consider how this song picks up and weaves together the themes of the video.

Finally, a picture I took at the Martin Luther King Jr Memorial in DC last fall with a version of a quote I referenced in my sermon on Sunday. This is the heart of what the Bible means when it speaks of peace...how can we make this a reality this week?

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

One More About Hope

After I wrote my sermon about hope and the blog about hope I posted earlier this week, I came across this remarkable quote and needed to share it with you all. Carry this one with you through this week focused on hope!

Monday, December 3, 2018


As we enter the season of Advent, for those of you who were not able to be with us in worship yesterday, here is our first word study video for the season, courtesy of athe Bible Project. What does it mean to be a people of hope?

In addition, I’ve been walking around the house all day singing this beautiful Advent song. Give it a listen, and may  it bring light to your hearts as we wait with hope for Christ.