Our media connections this week will connect with the Matthew reading, which has been one of my favorite parables for quite some time now. The different kinds of soil make the parable memorable; but the part of the parable that sticks out to me is the image of the one doing the sowing. Look at the pieces of art below with a particular eye to how the Sower is portrayed. What do you see in this character? What is consistent across the pieces of art? What varies? How would you paint, sculpt, or describe the character you meet in Matthew 13?
Perhaps the most famous of The Sower paintings, by Vincent Van Gogh:
Another well known painting of The Sower, by James Tissot:
An illumination of the text from the manuscript of the St. John's Bible:
The Sower, by Bertram Poole
The Parable of the Sower by Miki de Goodaboom